UA Ruhr Economics Newsletter
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Research Seminas
News at RGS Econ
Prof. Dr. Astrid Krenz joined the RGS Senior Faculty
Prof. Dr. Almut Balleer joined the RGS Senior Faculty
Prof. Dr. Steffen Altmann joined the RGS Senior Faculty
Welcome to the New Cohort!
Our new cohort of students has started the program.
Prof. Dr. Michael Lamla joined the RGS Senior Faculty
Top Student Publication
Pascal Goemans (2023). The impact of public consumption and investment in the euro area during periods of high and normal uncertainty. Economic Modelling, 126, 106370. doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2023.106370
Prof. Dr. Kati Krähnert joined the RGS Senior Faculty
Prof. Dr. Zohal Hessami joined the RGS Senior Faculty
Prof. Dr. Katharina Blankart joined the RGS Junior Faculty
Prof. Dr. Michael J. Böhm joined the RGS Senior Faculty