Current Placements & Graduates
If you would like to obtain information about students who are close to completion of their dissertation, please do not hesitate to contact Sascha Keweloh, PhD, the job-market coordinator of RGS Econ.
Below, you can find profiles of students who have recently been placed or are currently in the process of submitting and defending their dissertations.

Fabian Knorre
Title of Dissertation: Essays on stability, functional form and poolability of nonlinear cointegrating regressions
Supervisor: Martin Wagner
Fabian Knorre joined the Ruhr Graduate School in Economics in October 2016. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Statistics at TU Dortmund University with a focus on econometrics. During his studies he spent one semester abroad at the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. In his master thesis Fabian Knorre analyzed different methods to measure credit rating stability of certain Deutsche Bank customer groups. He worked as a student teaching assistant in statistics and as a student research assistant at the chair of Econometrics and Statistics at the TU Dortmund University. He also gained work experience during internships at Deutsche Bank’s risk division and ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe’s applied mathematics team.
Main fields of interest: Econometrics, Macroeconometrics, Financial Economics
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